Welcome at Eurocongres Conference Management

Communication in congresses
Congresses have become indispensable means of communication in our society. Not only to exchange knowledge and experience but also as a part of the p.r. or marketing policy of a company.

Partnership for perfection
While the initiator plays an important role in the management of his specific area, there will often be a shortage of know-how and experience when it comes to the organization of events; support by an independent PCO (professional congress organizer) is important for a succesfull event, both for the initiator and for the delegate. Eurocongres uses the latest techniques, e.g. registration of participants and handling the abstracts via internet.

Targeting your success
That is our mission. A mission possible, proven by more than 20 years of experience in organizing national and international congresses. Always setting ourselves high quality standards. Creating the right chemistry of personal involvement, flexibility and creativity that makes our product unique and tailor made ...... Just like your success.

Eurocongres is a member of the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers (IAPCO) a world wide organization with a strict selection procedure for new members. Furthermore Eurocongres offers its clients continuity of services throughout Europe and North America as a founding partner of Asconet International, a network with one member in 11 European countries and 2 members on the North American continent.

Congresses organized by Eurocongres Conference Management in 2001 and beyond:
  • 6th Congress of the European Haematology Association
    21 - 24 June 2001; Frankfurt, Germany

  • 22nd International Congress of Chemotherapy (ICC)
    30 June - 3 July 2001; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference
    6 - 13 July 2001; Rotterdam, the Netherlands

  • First World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM)
    7 - 13 July 2001, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 5th Congres of the Deaf-Blind
    24 - 29 July 2001; Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands

  • 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME)
    26 - 31 August 2001; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 9th United European Gastro-Enterology Week
    6 - 11 October 2001; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • Amsterdam Glaucoma Debate
    8 December 2001; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand
    22 - 25 May 2002; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 7th Congress of the European Haematology Association
    6 - 9 June 2002; Florence, Italy

  • 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP)
    24 - 31 July 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Sixth International Symposium on Ultra Clean Processing of Silicon Surfaces
    15 - 18 September 2002; Oostende, Belgium

  • XXIVth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology
    5 - 11 October 2002; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 29th International Small Business Congress (ISBC)
    27 - 30 October 2002; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • First Joint Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting
    28 August - 1 September 2004; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  • 24th Politzer Society Meeting
    31 August - 3 September 2003; Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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